Block Menu

Block Menu

Allows you to perform a series of custom operations on the block.

📝 Block Menu

The Block Menu provides quick access to actions for individual blocks. You can open this menu by right-clicking on any block in the editor.
Key features of the Block Context Menu:
  • Right-click on any block to open the menu
  • Try using block selection to select multiple blocks, then open the menu for the selected blocks.
  • When you try to right-click the block at the cursor's location, the default menu will open.This allows users to use browser extensions or paste plain text, etc.
  • Options to duplicate, delete, or other what you want
  • Transform blocks into different types


  • Provides quick transform for a single block.
  • Allows you to perform actions on blocks such as duplicating, deleting, or moving.
  • Customizable menu items and actions.
  • Accessible via right-click or a dedicated button like drag-handle.
  • Supports keyboard navigation for improved accessibility.


npm install @udecode/plate-selection


We recommend installing the BlockSelection plugin.When you want to use the block menu

Block Selection provides a visual effect to indicate which block the user is about to interact with

// ...
import { BlockMenuPlugin } from '@udecode/plate-selection/react';
const editor = usePlateEditor({
  id: 'context-menu-demo',
  override: {
    components: createPotionUI(),
  plugins: [
      options: {
        areaOptions: {
          behaviour: {
            scrolling: {
              speedDivider: 1.5,
            startThreshold: 10,
          boundaries: '#scroll_container',
          container: '#scroll_container',
          selectables: '#scroll_container .slate-selectable',
          selectionAreaClass: 'slate-selection-area',
        enableContextMenu: true,
      render: { aboveEditable: BlockContextMenu },
  value: contextMenuValue,

Prevent opening of the right-click menu

To control the opening of the right-click menu for specific elements, you can use the data-open-context-menu attribute:

Generally, we only need to prevent right-clicking on the padding of the <Editor />.

If you have a special plugin that needs to prevent the right-click menu from opening, you can use this property.

Example usage:

<PlateElement data-plate-open-context-menu={false} {...props}>


In Plate Plus, We have provided a more advanced menu.

  1. More advanced menu items.
  2. Supports search functionality and carefully designed shortcuts.
  3. More refined styles and animations.
  4. You can open this menu in various ways, such as through the drag button.



Hides the block menu.

Shows the block menu for a specific block.


Collapse all

    The ID of the block to show the menu for.

    The position to show the menu at.


Shows the context menu for a specific block.


Collapse all

    The ID of the block to show the context menu for.

    The position to show the context menu at.